

PV: 9.11
  • Contains Ascophyllum nodosum, Kelp Moss
  • Dietary Supplement

Розничная цена: 794,0

Партнерская цена:  516,0

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Iodine – is an important trace element necessary for the synthesis of thyroid hormones, which regulate the functioning of the body and, in particular, the nervous system, and maintain normal body temperature. Low levels of these hormones can negatively affect both a person’s physical condition and intellectual abilities. WHO estimates that more than 800 million people suffer from iodine deficiency. In many countries, more than half of the territory is made up of regions with natural iodine deficiency.

Natural iodine in Kelp compensates for the lack of this element in the daily requirement. It also contains small amounts of macro- and microelements (iron, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, barium, potassium, sulfur, etc.). Kelp affects the contractility of the heart muscle, prevents the development of rickets, osteoporosis, caries, brittle nails and hair. Has a general strengthening effect. Kelp can be prescribed for diseases caused by iodine deficiency, thyroid diseases, atherosclerosis, and coronary heart disease. The drug contains two types of brown algae.

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