Welcome to 2021!

Dear team,

I hope you had a great holiday and enjoyed this well-deserved downtime with your families and friends. And I hope that you are as excited as I am about the prospects that the coming year holds for us. A new year brings a new beginning: it is filled with hope, potential and opportunities to accomplish incredible, unexpected things.

As I look to our future, I can’t help but be proud of our recent past. Faced with unprecedented change, you rose to the occasion and helped us achieve outstanding, record-breaking results. Thank you for your work, thanks to which people begin to feel the power of Nature’s Sunshine! This is indeed worth celebrating, but now is the time to take it to the next level, find new tools and transform this power into action.

Remember that “being a force” does not mean having power, but it means being able to use the power that you have. For us, “being a force” is about teamwork and energy. Think about it: the more people working together, the more we can achieve; the more people moving in the same direction, the faster progress is made.

By staying focused, continuing to work as a team, working to advance our overall strategy, we will maintain and even build on the collective momentum we have already created. Together, we each do our part, we can create that critical mass that will start a chain reaction.

We have already come a long way and have come so far that we cannot stop. So as we head into the new year, I want you to think about your greater opportunities and challenge yourself to do your best. This is exactly what we will need in 2021 to adequately respond to the challenges of our time.

Be uncompromising in your pursuit of excellence. Be involved in your team’s work. Be bold, be proactive, purposeful, but above all, be POWER!

Terrence Morehead

President and CEO of Nature’s Sunshine